Thursday, June 14, 2007

New Things Happening So Fast....

Man - Things are happening in my life so fast, I haven't even been able to update my blog!!! As you can see by looking at the right hand side of the page, I am going to be having classes every week, beginning in July. I am so excited about this!!! I have always wanted to have some type of scrapbook business, but, I didn't really know what. I have prayed and prayed about this, and it just came to me. Things are just falling into place, so I know this is God's timing.

Right now, I am making examples to take pictures of for each class. Each class kit will be available for purchase if someone has a conflict with the dates of my classes.

As soon as I have more information regarding my classes, I will post it quickly.

I should have several samples up by tomorrow evening, so, if you are interested in anything you see, feel free to contact me.

Thanks so much for stopping by, and God Bless.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007


Just getting started on this blogging thing. I hope to update daily with scrapbooking information, as well as tips and anything else fun and useful.

I am by far not the authority on scrapbooking, however; I love to scrapbook. I have been scrapbooking for nearly 11 years now, and love it. Most of what I have learned is self taught. I have only been to one "real" class, ever, and had a ball. I will be attending my second class in a couple weekends.

So...stick with me on this, and we'll all go far in learning how to scrapbook.

Today...I will leave you with a favorite tool of mine...The Cuttlebug. I never thought I would want any type of die cutting machine, until I saw this little gadget in action. I fell in love immediately, and knew I had to have this. So...I purchased it with a couple dies. Now...I buy dies all the time, I absolutely love it. In fact...I am considering moving on to something a little bigger and better. For a beginning scrapbooker, I definitely recommend this little machine. It uses several different brand dies, so, you have more choices what you can make. It's not very expensive, and it's very portable.